Welcome to “The Lipouts Podcast” with golf course architect and author Nathan Crace!

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To learn more about the podcast, we asked Nathan to answer a few questions…
What makes “The Lipouts Podcast” different?
“I wanted to create an easy to consume podcast–not a long, rambling podcast–with content different than other golf podcasts,” Crace explains. “I’ll be interviewing some great guests from in and around the game of golf–not just architects or Tour players. We might have authors or personalities not known for golf, but they love the game. These are all interesting personalities that will draw listeners into the podcast, even if you’re not necessarily a golfer because the goal is to entertain and inform. ”
Wasn’t the podcast originally named “A Quick Nine?”
“Yes. Golfers know the term ‘a quick nine’ as a way to squeeze in nine holes at the end of the day, before work, etc. Originally, we were using that as a play on words because the format was centered around me asking each guest nine questions in an episode. The questions will be about golf, but also about them, other events in the news, who knows? That’s going to be the fun part: getting the guest to open up and really interact. But at the suggestion of a friend who’s been in the media business for a long time, we decided to name the podcast after my longtime golf column and social media footprint, LIPOUTS. The concept is still the same–9 questions and a lot of fun packed into thirty minutes.”
Only thirty minutes? Don’t most podcasts go on for an hour or more?
“I don’t want an episode to drag on too long. There are some golf podcasts out there that are nearly two hours long–I can’t think of anything I could talk about for more than an hour that anyone would be interested in listening to. Just ask my kids… But seriously, we’re looking at 30 to 45 minutes each, give or take. That’s the perfect length. It’s just long enough for the ride to work or to go walk your dog–or to listen to during dinner at Applebee’s when everyone else in your family around the table is glued to their phones checking Snapchat and Facebook.”
Is that why you said it will be “easy to consume?”
Exactly! Not too long, not too short. In this day and age, everyone is on the go and you have to give them what they want before they get bored and move on to something else. It will be the perfect amount of time. Think of it as being like Jerry Seinfeld’s ‘Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee,’ just without Jerry, or the comedians, or the cars…maybe the coffee.”
“The Lipouts Podcast” is growing, so be sure to check-in here from time to time and follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/lipoutspodcast for updates, upcoming episodes and guests, and more from each show. You can follow Nathan on Twitter at www.twitter.com/lipouts
Subscribe to the free “Lipouts Podcast Channel” on YouTube: The Lipouts Podcast Channel
The podcast is now available on Player.FM and the Player FM app. You can find it here: Player FM
Looking for the original “LIPOUTS” columns that appeared in regional and national golf publications? Find the first 8 years of Nathan’s musings on the game of golf at the LIPOUTS web site here: www.lipouts.com
Visit the Watermark Golf Companies at www.watermarkgolf.com
Interested in being a sponsor or advertising on the podcast? Just email mail@watermarkgolfmedia.com with the subject line “Podcast Sponsorship” and we’ll get back to you ASAP to set up an appointment.
Music and sound effects used in the podcast provided by ZapSplat.com